Isms Portal Telangana Login – CCE Marks Entry, Grading Table

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Isms Portal Telangana Login – CCE Marks Entry, Grading Table 2024 Check Online on

AP CCE ISMS Login, CCE Marks Entry, Grading Table – isms portal Telangana Login


  • Schools in Telangana need to register on ISMS portal for CCE Marks entry of their students.
  • There is a proper format of Summative and Formative assessment that the schools need to follow.
  • The portal records the holistic data of students including their academic and non-academic performance in schools. It promotes transparency and efficiency in students data management of schools.


Commissioner and Director of School Education introduce CCE system of Assessment data entry portal (ISMS). Schools now need to register on the ISMS portal of Telangana school education and record curricular and co-curricular activity performance of students. All schools of Andhra Pradesh are required to register on Information Security Management System (ISMS) and follow CCE online marks entry grading table and entry.

In 2017 there was a detailed CCE marks entry grading table system introduced for all types of Formative and Summative Assessment grading of students. Now ever since the schools have to record the performance of all their students in the required manner. In 2023 they again release an official format for recording Formative and Summative assessment of students. Also, they release a schedule for the year for recording the assessments on the official website for the entire year.

All the schools can register and give access to their teachers so that they can enter the information of students accordingly. The main aim of this is to change the way of marking for students so that their performance improves and the recording system is more efficient.

Highlights of AP Schools Portal

Name AP CCE Marks Entry ISMS portal
Body Department of School Education, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh
Eligible All schools in Andhra Pradesh
For class 1-10 Students Assessment data entry
Mode Online
O/o Director of School Education, Saifabad, Hyderabad – 500004

Email Id: [email protected],

[email protected]

Official Website of ISMS Portal / ISMS 


What is AP CCE ISMS portal?

Integrated School Management System portal is a digital platform designed to implement the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system in Andhra Pradesh’s schools. It functions as a central hub for managing student data, assessments, and other educational activities. This is the portal where the schools need to register and maintain performance data of their students. The key features of ISMS portal is to record information of students, digital class monitoring, Student Tracking details and also generating various MIS reports. This portal plays a crucial role in modernizing and digitizing school administration processes, enhancing efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the implementation of the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system in Andhra Pradesh.

What is CCE Marks Entry?

Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation is a system of recording assessment of students that covers all aspects of their education. It is designed by Telangana Education department to simplify marking scheme of students so that all their academic as well as non-academic performance gets counted and their development is more comprehensive. The CCE system’s main purpose is to evaluate a student’s progress throughout the academic year, providing a more holistic view of their performance. The marks obtained in CCE are an important component of a student’s final report card.

According to the format issue under CCE Marks entry the schools will now assign specific marks and grades to the scores of students. In CCE Marks Entry portal the schools need to register themselves and then record a students attendance data, formative assessment scores and summative assessment scores. The CCE system also evaluates a student’s participation in co-curricular activities such as sports, music, and art. The CCE system is based on a grading system, and the grades are assigned on a 9-point scale. There are 4 formative assessments and 2 Summative assessments in AP CCE Online Data entry system.

Features / Benefits of CCE ISMS Data Entry portal

  • Holistic development of Students– As we know that under this system the students get grade based on their overall performance i.e not just academics but also co-curricular activities as well. Their attendance, class performance, academics everything is valued.
  • Continuous Monitoring and data availability– The marks of students are recorded at a particular time every year. This information is always available on the software which the authorities can always check. In case they detect any problematic pattern in the performance of students, they can take immediate steps.
  • Skill DevelopmentAP CCE promotes essential life skills development in students. Students can perform a variety of activities and analyse what is best for themselves. The schools also encourage to do so by giving them a chance to reduce some academic burden.

Important dates / Schedule for CCE marks entry 

According to a past notification issued in the year 2022 for recording of FA-SA, the schedule of the ISMS CCE entry is as follows:

No. Type of Assessment Dates (tentative)
1 Formative Assessment-F.A 1 21 July
2 Formative Assessment-F.A 2 5 September
3 Summative Assessment- S.A 1 1-7 November
4 Formative Assessment-F.A 3 21 December
5 Formative Assessment-F.A 4 28 February
6 Summative Assessment- S.A 2 17 April


What is Formative Assessment in CCE Marks Entry system?

Formative assessment takes place four times in one year. It takes place during the formative stages of concept formulation. Formative assessment comprises of 40% weightage in the final grade assessment at the end of year. It includes activities such as class test, Assignment, class participation and projects etc.


What is Summative Assessment (S.A) in CCE Marks Entry system ?

S.A-1 and S.A-2 are assessments that comprise of the academic part. These are tests that take place twice year. Each summative assessment marks are combine with marks of previous F.As. Summative Assessment total weightage in AP CCE Marks system is 60%.


Format of CCE marks entry on ISMS portal

Maximum Marks=700 Maximum Marks=600
Marks Grade Marks Grade
637-700 A+ 546- 600 A+
497-636 A 426- 639 A
357-496 B+ 306- 425 B+
287-356 B 246- 305 B
0-286 C 0- 245 C
Maximum Marks = 400 Maximum Marks = 200
Marks Grade Marks Grade
364- 400 A+ 182- 200 A+
284- 363 A 142- 181 A
204- 283 B+ 102- 141 B+
164- 203 B 82- 101 B
0-163 C 0-81 C
Maximum Marks = 150 Maximum Marks = 100
Marks Grade Marks Grade
136-150 A+ 91-100 A+
106- 135 A 71- 90 A
76- 105 B+ 51- 70 B+
61- 75 B 41- 50 B
0-65 C 0-40 C
Maximum Marks = 50 Maximum Marks = 45
Marks Grade Marks Grade
46- 50 A+ 41-45 A+
36- 45 A 32-40 A
26- 35 B+ 23-31 B+
21-25 B 19-22 B
0- 20 C 0-81 C
Maximum Marks = 40 Maximum Marks = 10
Marks Grade Marks Grade
37-40 A+ 10 A+
29- 36 A 8- 9 A
20-28 B+ 6 -9 B+
16- 19 B 5 B
0- 15 C 0- 4 C


Process to enter AP CCE Marks entry 2024

  1. Go to official website of TS Schools i.e
  2. Log in to the portal after clicking on ‘log in’ option. After log in the teacher get redirect to new page for marks and data entry of student.
  3. Choose the class and subject of data to enter.
  4. Enter marks of Formative Assessment or/and Summative Assessment.
  5. Click on ‘Save and Submit’
  6. AP CCE Marks are now successfully save on ISMS portal.

click here to go to official website of AP CCE ISMS portal, register. CCE marks entry by schools of Andhra Pradesh.

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