[e-kharid Haryana] Meri Fasal Mera Byora Registration Last Date 2024

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e-kharid Haryana Portal :  Meri Fasal Mera Byora Registration Last Date 2024 – E Kshatipurti (Chati Purti) Portal Farmer Search Login Portal.

Meri Fasal Mera Byora Registration 2024

Under its SDG vision 2030 goals Haryana State start various initiatives for farmers like E-Kharid, Meri Fasal-Mera Byora and E-Kshatipurti. E-kharid is an initiative to bring transparency at all levels in the food procurement process and streamline various processes and steps in farmer’s produce procurement lifecycle. Meri Fasal Mera Byora is an initiative to register crop produce of a  farmer so that they can later be bought by government on MSP. Crops not register on Meri Fasal- Mera Byora may not get MSP benefits. Finally e-Kshatipurti is a portal where you can register for compensation for the loss of your crop by submitting relevant information on the portal. Agriculture Marketing Board implements an innovative system called e-Kharid to facilitate farmers in the state. This digital platform aims to streamline processes related to agricultural produce procurement, distribution, and record-keeping.

Registrations for Meri Fasal-Mera Byora start on official website. All eligible farmers can register themselves on the portal and claim related benefits of the scheme. These schemes and portals are only applicable for the state of Haryana.

ई-खरीद, मेरी फसल मेरा ब्योरा,ई-क्षतिपूर्ति पोर्टल

खरीद खाद्य खरीद प्रक्रिया में सभी स्तरों पर पारदर्शिता लाने और किसान की उपज खरीद जीवनचक्र में विभिन्न प्रक्रियाओं और चरणों को सुव्यवस्थित करने की एक पहल है। मेरी फसल मेरा ब्योरा एक किसान की फसल उपज को पंजीकृत करने की एक पहल है ताकि बाद में उन्हें एमएसपी पर सरकार द्वारा खरीदा जा सके। मेरी फसल-मेरा ब्योरा पर पंजीकृत न होने वाली फसलों को एमएसपी का लाभ नहीं मिल सकता है। अंत में क्षतिपूर्ति एक पोर्टल है जहां आप पोर्टल पर प्रासंगिक जानकारी जमा करके अपनी फसल के नुकसान के मुआवजे के लिए पंजीकरण कर सकते हैं।

कृषि विपणन बोर्ड राज्य में किसानों की सुविधा के लिए ई-खरीद नामक एक नवीन प्रणाली लागू करता है। इस डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म का उद्देश्य कृषि उपज खरीद, वितरण और रिकॉर्ड-कीपिंग से संबंधित प्रक्रियाओं को सुव्यवस्थित करना है।मेरी फसल-मेरा ब्योरा के लिए पंजीकरण आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर शुरू हो गए हैं। सभी पात्र किसान पोर्टल पर अपना पंजीकरण करा सकते हैं और योजना से संबंधित लाभ का दावा कर सकते हैं। ये योजनाएँ और पोर्टल केवल हरियाणा राज्य के लिए लागू हैं।

Schemes Meri Fasal-Mera Byora, E-Kharid , and E-Kshatipurti
Body Department of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Haryana
Eligibility Farmers in the state of Haryana
Aim Connect farmers with government schemes
Registration status open
Contact Krishi Bhawan, Sector 21, Panchkula

E-mail: agriharyana2009[at]gmail[dot]com

Tel.: 0172-2571544

Official website of Agriculture Ministry, Haryana  agriharyana.gov.in / onlineservices


What is e-Kharid?

e-Kharid is an online portal developed by the Government of Haryana, specifically by the Food and Civil Supplies Department. It serves as a comprehensive solution for farmers, allowing them to access critical information and services related to their produce.

Key Features of e-Kharid

  1. Farmers can search for their records using various parameters such as mobile numbers, gate pass details, and J-Form information.
  2. The system provides a centralized repository of farmer data, making it easier for authorities to manage and track agricultural transactions.
  3. Farmers can access their records and relevant information through their mobile devices.
  4. This mobile-friendly approach ensures convenience and accessibility for farmers, even in remote areas.
  5. The system allows farmers to retrieve gate pass and J-Form details associated with their produce which simplifies the process of verifying transactions and ensures transparency.

Benefits of e-Kharid

  • Efficiency: The system reduces paperwork and manual processes, saving time and effort for both farmers and authorities.
  • Transparency: Farmers can verify their transactions and access real-time information about their produce.
  • Accessibility: Mobile integration ensures that farmers can use the system from anywhere, even without a computer.

Check e-Kharid for Farmer Search:

  1. Visit the official e-Kharid Haryana website: e-Kharid Haryana.
  2. Click on the Farmer Records Searchor “Farmer Search”
  3. Enter your Farmer MFMB ID(Mobile Gate pass) in the provided text box.
  4. Click the search button to retrieve your farmer details.

What is Meri Fasal, Mera Byora?

Meri Fasal, Mera Byora (My Crop, My Information) is an innovative online portal  by the Haryana government. Designed to empower farmers, this platform allows them to register and manage crucial details related to their crops, fields, and seeds. This e- procurement portal was launched by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar in April 2020. This simple system will enable the farmers to self-report the details of their land and crops and help them to receive the several benefits of government schemes directly. In less than two years, 8.71 lakh or more than 80 per cent of the total farmers in the state, registered on the portal in the rabi season.

The portal allows farmers to record details about their fields, including land type, size, and condition. Having accurate field information aids in better decision-making and targeted interventions. They can also maintain a record of the seeds they use to ensure access to good quality seeds and helps in monitoring seed availability. Through Meri Fasal, Mera Byora, farmers can stay informed about government schemes, subsidies, and assistance programs. Timely updates on food, seeds, loans, and agricultural equipment subsidies are provided. It offers real-time information on crop harvesting and market-related details. Farmers can access data on optimal harvest time and market prices.

Farmers register their crop each time they harvest it. They input the quality of produce, quantity, type of produce etc. This enables the crop to get  in government books. Therefore they can buy the crop later at MSP. Registration on मेरी फसल-मेरा ब्यौरा is compulsory for every farmer. If not registered the crop might not get bought by government.

मेरी फसलमेरा ब्यौरा 

मेरी फसलमेरा ब्यौरा पोर्टल किसानों को भूमि के प्रकार, आकार और स्थिति सहित अपने खेतों के बारे में विवरण दर्ज करने की अनुमति देता है। सटीक फ़ील्ड जानकारी होने से बेहतर निर्णय लेने और लक्षित हस्तक्षेप में सहायता मिलती है। वे अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाले बीजों तक पहुंच सुनिश्चित करने के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले बीजों का रिकॉर्ड भी रख सकते हैं और बीज की उपलब्धता की निगरानी में मदद कर सकते हैं। मेरी फसल, मेरा ब्यौरा के माध्यम से किसान सरकारी योजनाओं, सब्सिडी और सहायता कार्यक्रमों के बारे में सूचित रह सकते हैं। भोजन, बीज, ऋण और कृषि उपकरण सब्सिडी पर समय पर अपडेट प्रदान किया जाता है। यह फसल की कटाई और बाजार से संबंधित विवरणों पर वास्तविक समय की जानकारी प्रदान करता है। किसान इष्टतम फसल के समय और बाजार कीमतों पर डेटा तक पहुंच सकते हैं।

किसान हर बार कटाई के बाद अपनी फसल का पंजीकरण कराते हैं। वे उपज की गुणवत्ता, मात्रा, उपज का प्रकार आदि इनपुट करते हैं। इससे फसल सरकारी किताबों में पंजीकृत हो जाती है और बाद में एमएसपी पर खरीदी जाती है। मेरी फसल-मेरा फसल पर पंजीकरण प्रत्येक किसान के लिए अनिवार्य है। पंजीकरण न कराने पर फसल सरकार द्वारा नहीं खरीदी जा सकेगी।

Meri Fasal, Mera Byora Overview

Name of the Scheme Meri Fasal, Mera Byora (My Crop, My Information
Body Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana
Beneficiaries All farmer-beneficiaries resident of Haryana
Purpose Farmers Registration for Crops (e-Kharid), farm details
Application mode Online
Registration Status Open
Contact Kisan Call Centre: 1800-180-2117, 1800-180-2060 (9 am to 5 pm)

Email: [email protected]

Official Website fasal.haryana.gov.in


Purpose of Meri Fasal, Mera Byora 

  1. Farmer registration, crop registration, farm details and crop details.
  2. A unique effort for problem solving and availability of all government facilities at one place for farmers.
  3. To provide information related to agriculture on time.
  4. Timely availability of subsidy of food, seeds, loans and agricultural equipment.
  5. To provide information related to crop sowing and harvesting time and market.
  6. Providing timely assistance during natural calamities.

Benefits of Meri Fasal, Mera Byora 

The scheme offers several benefits to farmers in Haryana, including:

  1. MSP-The crop of registered farmers on this portal will be purchased at the support price fixed by the Government.
  2. Benefit of government schemes-The Government, through this portal, will directly benefit the farmers on every scheme, subsidies, loans, and other agricultural assistance programs introduced for the welfare of farmer.
  3. Registration incentive-The farmers get an incentive of Rs.10 Per acre on registering under this portal.
  4. Sales boost-Under this portal, the options for selling and marketing the agricultural products are also available for making competitive returns.
  5. The Village Level Enterprise (VLE) of the Common Service Centres  in the villages will register the crop details of farmers online at the free of cost.
  6. Direct Payment-The incentive for the farmers come through e-Payment directly into their bank accounts.
  7. Accurate crop information enables farmers to avail crop insurance benefits promptly, protecting them against losses due to natural calamities, pests, or diseases.
  8. The government can provide targeted support based on the specific needs of individual farmers, such as seeds, fertilizers, irrigation facilities, and technical guidance.

Eligibility Criteria for Meri Fasal, Mera Byora 

The eligibility criteria to register under the Meri Fasal Mera Byora portal are explained below:

  1. All farmer-beneficiaries residing in the state of Haryana are eligible.
  2. The farmer applicant  above 18 years of age to register under the portal.
  3. The applicant should practice agricultural activities on his own cultivable land.
  4. Also, farmers including landlord, lessee or tenant on rent can register.
  5. The scheme is applicable to both small and large farmers.

Documents Required for Meri Fasal, Mera Byora 

The below following documents are to be furnished while registering into the portal:

  1. Identity Proof: PAN, Aadhar, Driving License, Voter Identity Card, etc.
  2. Address Proof: Aadhar card, Legal passport, Utility bill, tax bill, etc.
  3. Passport size photograph.
  4. Land/property details documents (Khewat, Khatauni, Khasra and Killa number).
  5. Farmer Bank account statements.
  6. Any other documents (if applicable).

Online Registration Procedure for Meri Fasal, Meri Byora open

To register under the Meri Fasal Mera Byora portal, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. The farmer needs to access the official portal of Meri Fasal Mera Byora i.e fasal.haryana.gov.in
  2. Click on the “Farmer Reg/Login.” button,  on the home page of the portal.
  3. To register as a farmer, the applicant first enter a mobile number or family identification number or Adhaar number in the search box.
  4. After filing the particular details, the farmer enters the personal details such as applicant name, date of birth, address etc. to proceed further with the registration.
  5. Farmer has to provide a description of the crop and sowing land details.
  6. After providing the details of crop and sowing land details, click on the “Next” button to proceed further.
  7. Provide the bank details such as account number, account holder name, branch name and IFSC code and click on “Next” button to continue with the registration steps.
  8. Finally, the farmer has to fill the details of mandi or aarthiya to complete the registration process successfully.

Note: After registration, the applicant will receive a Meri Fasal-Mera Byora reference id as an acknowledgement number for further reference


E-Kshatipurti (Chati Purti) Portal {Farmer Search}

The e-Kshatipurti (Chati Purti) portal is an initiative by the Haryana government If you experience crop damage, you can register for compensation by submitting relevant information on the portal. The Haryana government encourages farmers to upload their crop loss reports on the e-Kshatipurti portal, enabling necessary steps to compensate for their losses. The portal also has a provision for the villagers to share the details about claims of damage to houses, livestock, and crops, while the people living in urban areas ca upload the details about the commercial and movable and immovable properties. The Kshati purti compensation is calculated on the basis of verification reports. This amount is paid after the due process and as per the government norms.

The upgraded e-kshatipurti portal is to streamline the submission of applications and bring greater transparency to the system of damage verification and compensation disbursement. Through this initiative, the state government aims to expedite the compensation process for affected citizens in a time-bound manner. District Revenue Officer Shyam Lal says that farmers can log in by filling their Family ID or Aadhar card number. THe e-Kshatipurti portal is link with the Meri Fasal, Mera Byora portal, therefore, the farmers should upload details of the khasra number of the land that is damaged. Approximately 16.83 lakh acres of land data is already submit on this portal by farmers. This transparent assessment of crop loss ensures that grief striken farmers receive appropriate compensation.

E-Kshatipurti eligibility

  • Farmer is from state of Haryana
  • They are not already benefiting from Ayushman Bharat Yojana (insurance scheme).

Benefits of E-Kshatipurti (Chati Purti) Portal {Farmer Search}

  1. In case of death due to flood, the relatives will get Rs 4 lakh per case.
  2. Those pucca or kutcha houses that have been damaged, will be given compensation ranging from Rs 1.20 lakh to Rs 1.30 lakh.
  3. 16 thousand rupees will be given to each person who has been injured in the flood or has come in any other disease. If the period is less than a week then Rs. 5400 will be given.


 Process of Kshatipurti registration,compensation

  1. Registration: Farmers visit the E-Kshatipurti Portal and register their losses by providing accurate details about the affected crops or property.
  2. Verification: Authorities verify the submitted information and assess the extent of damage. This step ensures transparency and prevents fraudulent claims.
  3. Compensation: Once verified, eligible farmers receive compensation directly into their bank accounts. The portal streamlines the entire process, reducing paperwork and delays.

Impact and Future Prospects

The E-Kshatipurti Portal has already made a significant impact by providing timely relief to farmers in distress. Going forward, the government aims to enhance its features, expand its reach, and create greater awareness among farmers about this valuable resource.

In conclusion, the E-Kshatipurti (Chati Purti) Portal stands as a beacon of hope for Haryana’s farmers, offering them a lifeline during challenging times

click here to go to official Kshati purti portal, new registration.

to go to official website of meri fasal-mera byoraclick this

Check e-kharid status, new crop registration on official website-click this

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