Npip e mulakat Registration 2024 – Video Call App, Status, Timing

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Npip e mulakat Registration 2024 – Video Call App, Status, Timing Check Online on e Prison Portal 2024.

[NPIP]Video Call Registration – e-Mulakat Registration 2024 Status, App


  • To manage the informations of prisons around the country NIC launch E-Prison portal . It was mainly created to overcome problems faced by inmates during COVID 19.
  • It further facilitates prisons in real-time information management. Helps all its stakeholders like police, courts, families of inmates etc.
  • The main services are for visitors to make visit appointments called e-mulakat. They can also submit any grievances related to system.

NIC launch e-prison portal also known as NPIP (National Prison Information Portal) software to integrate all the prisons related activities in the country. Through NPIP prisons can manage their data, provide services to the families of inmates and even connect the prisons to market outside.

This initiative was initially taken by Government of India in the wake of Corona virus pandemic that hit last year. During COVID-19 since human contact was minimised , inmates and their families also couldn’t meet or take care of each other. Prisons with the help of NPIP Portal can manage their information online and even arrange Video conference for inmates. The relatives of inmates can apply for visits and book appointment.

Prisons can easily install this software in their systems and convert the entire system into e-prison MIS. Relatives of inmates can go to official e-prisons website and apply for video call meet, physical meet appointments or register a grievance.


Name E-Prisons portal


NPIP portal

Body National Informatics Centre
For Prisons Information Management System
Main Services e-Mulakat, Kara Bazaar, Grievance redressal
Mode Online
Fee No fee
Contact National Informatics Centre

A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road

New Delhi – 110 003 India

Official website


About e-prison portal

E-prison or NPIP is a comprehensive application software that streamlines all prison related activities on one portal. It offers real time management of crucial information like court proceedings, prison official data, visitor appointments and marketplace for prison made goods etc. It is a Management Information System which offers information to all the stakeholders of this section of society.

Features of NPIP/ e-prison portal

  •  Available as SaaS from the NIC Cloud, which provides high availability, scalable and robust system to the users;
  • The solution is ready to adopted by any prison / stakeholder for free.
  • Parameterized and configurable gap aspects;
  • SMS and email alerts;
  • Equipped with necessary services required for integrating with other Criminal Justice System stakeholders; and
  • Authorization checks & validation to improve the data quality.

Main components of e-prisons portal

  1. E-Prisons MIS– It is a Management Information System which integrates all the data of prisons. It manages and updates the data in real time. Users can access it from anywhere in the world at any given time.
  2. NPIP e-mulakat- It is an important component which handles the meeting of inmates and their relatives. Now their relatives can book an appointment for physical meet or video meet. They can also check the status of their application for e-mulakat.
  3. Kara Bazar- As we know the inmates engage in various recreational activities like making furniture, Handicrafts, Agricultural programs etc. NPIP Kara Bazar is a dedicated portal for showcasing the talent of inmates and creating an online marketplace for their products.

Applications under e-portal/ NPIP Portal

Sr. No Category Service
1. Core Applications
  • Prisoner Information Management System (PIMS);
  • Visitor Information Management System (VIMS);
  • Custody Certificate Management and Delivery;
  • Bail and Release Communication System
  • Parole and Furlough Management;
  • Legal Aid Management Portal;
  • National Prisons Portal
  • eMulakat VC System
  • Kiosk Information, among others
2. Peripheral Application
  • Canteen Management System;
  • Hospital Management System;
  • Staff/Employee Management;
  • Police Escort Request.
  • Roaster Management
  • Prison Calling System
3. External Applications
  • Court Management System;
  • Police Management System;


Services offered by E-prisons portal

             To prisons               Public                  Court
  • Controlled registration of prisoners (checking duplicity of prisoner’s entry to the jail);
  • Recording and tracking their movement activities and their management throughout their term inside the prison;
  • Well structured information about Availability of various reports (daily/Monthly) for administrative purpose;
  • Enables the prison management to utilize the resources optimally;
  • Various alerts like Hearing, 436/436 A, parole jump, inventory, medicine etc for monitoring purpose
  • Availability of CrPC 436 / 436 ‘A’/441 reports to court.
  • Availability of Nominal roll online to the court;
  • Alerts for jumping Parole/Interim Bail retrun due dates;
  • Availability of other information of the prisoner online to the court on demand.
  • Registration of visit request and Status query of that request;
  • SMS/eMail Alerts to the visitors;
  • Statistical information / drilled down Reports on national basis;
  • Sumission of grievance; and
  • KaraBazaar

Additionally it also provides important services to police and investigating agencies of the country. These services include Nationwide search for inmates and their complete profile. They also get direct alerts on various events. It generates reports, lists and statistical data for the specific date and time as required by officials.

What is E-Mulakat?

it is an important service component of E-Prisons portal where the relatives of inmates can apply for visits. They can register and apply for online or offline visits. It was initially introduced to overcome the problems faced by inmates and their relatives during pandemic. Now they can book their appointment anytime and from anywhere around the world. Steps to apply for E-Mulakat are mention below.

How to apply for visit request on e-prison/ NPIP portal?

  1. Go to official website of e-prisons i.e
  2. Registration: Click on e-Mulakat and registrations page appears on screen.
  3. Fill Form: Enter visitor details like Name, Father’s name, address, Gender, Relation, ID proof and mobile number. Check the box if you are an international visitor.
  4. Enter details of inmate to meet: State of prison, jail name, Date of Visit, additional visitor name (if any) etc. Click on ‘Visit mode’ physical or online whichever you prefer. Fill captcha and click on ‘Submit’.
  5. You receive a confirmation mail and all the information is shown on your screen.
  6. Your e-Mulakat or visitor application is now successful.
  7. In case of an online meeting you get a link of meeting. You visit this link in your browser and then sit for online visitor meeting with your relative.

Check your E-Mulakat Status

After registering and applying for meeting, the person can check the status of their e-mulakat application by clicking on ‘E-Mulakat Status’ option. They enter their registration number and Captcha. Then click on ‘Search’ button. The details of their meeting is visible on screen.

How to file a grievance on E-Prison portal?

  1. Go to official portal of e-prisons i.e
  2. Click on ‘Grievance’ option.
  3. Then fill complaint details and Grievance Details.
  4. Fill captcha and click on ‘Send’.
  5. Your E-Prisons Grievance is now successfully submit.

You can also check the status of your old complaint by simply entering the registration number.

click here to go to official website of e-prisons portal, apply for e-Mulakat, grievances, Kalabazar etc.

What is NPIP portal for?

National Prisons Information Portal is a software to connect the prisons of the country with the entire judicial and legal setup like police stations, courts etc. Its aim is to establish a medium between the prisons and its stakeholders like judiciary, police, and relatives of inmates.

What is e-Mulakat?

E-Mulakat is a module of NPIP portal which is meant for the relatives of inmates to meet them. They can book an online or offline meeting appointments with their relatives through e-mulakat.

What are benefits of NPIP portal?

Collective information management system which interlinks the prisons with judicial system. Establishing a medium of connection between the inmates and their relatives. It also provides an opportunity to inmates to earn from their skill by selling their products in the external market through NPIP Kara Bazar.

What is the fee to arrange a meeting through E-Mulakat on NPIP Portal?

There is no fee to be paid to arrange a meeting between an inmate and their relatives.

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