STS Student Tracking System Karnataka (Sats) login

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Department of Primary & Secondary Education of Karnataka introduce STS portal for its educational institutions. Student Tracking System is a universal portal for all the schools in Karnataka. It is for management, teachers, students and their parents as well. Students and Management can register and log in on the portal to track the performance of the students. It is collective portal for all the school related work who are in the state of Karnataka.

There are many facilities for various stakeholders of primary and secondary schools in Karnataka. Teachers can track performance, attendance of students, analyse results etc. School Management can keep track of their departments, provide digital exam services, books, manage scholarships etc. Parents can also check their wards performance, apply for admissions, see their results, contact school etc. Government will keep track of their Mid-Day-Meal service through STS portal Karnataka, monitor applications of their other schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, manage their different departments etc.


Name Student Tracking System portal (STS)
Body Department of Primary & Secondary Education of Karnataka
Other modules Student Achievement Tracking System (SATS), Teacher Transfer, Mid-Day Meal (MDM), School services etc
For Schools of Karnataka
Mode Online
Eligibility Citizens of Karnataka
Official website


About STS portal

Student Tracking System is an interactive portal introduced by the Primary & Secondary Education Department of Karnataka. It is for the easy access of services by the students, management, government and even parents. Schools can easily register themselves on the portal and the students who are studying the schools of Karnataka can also register with their SATS ID. Government of Karnataka also keeps track of their Mid-Day Meal disbursement in the schools, the Scholarship awarding system and all the schemes that are being run in the schools of the state. Parents can apply for the admissions of their children in the schools of Karnataka and check their application status. They can update their wards data and contact school for any queries. Teachers can manage their students data and analyse their performance.

Aim of STS portal

To transform the information management system of schools of the state and standardisze their service on a digital platform. Its main objective is to track the performance of students and prevent duplication of documents.

Features of STS portal

There are various modules in STS Karnataka portal. Information about various modules is as follows.

Feature Meaning
SATS Student Achievement Tracking System is a student data management portal in STS where the performance of students is recorded and track. Students can register on SATS, Student can check their Attendance details, promotion details, Results, certificates and reports. This will prevent duplication of original certificates and documents
School Services This is a module for parents to apply for admission in schools of Karnataka. To avoid any difference in fee structures, paper work of admissions and check application status.
Teacher Transfer This is for teachers of schools to monitor their transfers and status of performance. Any new notification from the management is visible.
MDMS Government and the concerned staff of school and track the Mid Day Meal distribution in the school. The HMs and CRCs can log in on this portal with their SATS credentials.
EEDS Employee Data System is an information management system specifically for employees of the schools in Karnataka. It establishes communication between the authorities and teaching staff. Teachers can log in with their Employee ID and opt for Time Bound Increment intimation. They cannot apply for
Reports and Child Safety With the information that is in the system can be analysed and reports can be generated with this data. It is helpful for both management, teachers, government and parents.



Benefits STS Karnataka portal

  • Digital information management– All the information transfer takes place in digital form. The government is trying to completely get over the need of physical documents for any service of school like admissions, results, requests etc.
  • One portal for all needs-The main benefit of this portal is that it covers all aspects of School Management form top to bottom. It facilitates easy, transparent and quick completion of any process.
  • Students performance Tracking– It is a special module for teachers, parents and the administration to track the overall performance of the students. The students just need to register and all their information will automatically show on SATS. Their attendance, results, marks, documents etc are all visible to both students and their parents.
  • Mid Day Meal distribution– There is a provision of Mid day meal where the students get free lunch in school. The government and the concerned administrative authorities can check and ensure that the scheme is being implemented fairly.
  • Scholarship Management- With such efficient SATS the government and the administration can easily identify the meritorious students and award them. Digital information management also makes it easier for the awards to actually reach the beneficiary.

Eligibility for Student Tracking System portal

The STS and SATS portal are specifically designed to cater the primary and secondary schools of Karnataka. Therefore only the school’s Management, teachers, students, parents and government authorities are eligible to register or use the portal.

How to register on SATS?

  1. Visit official website of STS i.e STS
  2. Click on Registration
  3. Fill your personal details like Apply category, Name, Father’s name, Date of Birth etc.
  4. Then enter your Address details like District area, Cluster etc.
  5. Enter your communication details.
  6. Upload documents of identity proof
  7. Enter your log in ID and set your password.
  8. Click on accepting declaration
  9. Enter captcha and Click on Submit.
  10. Your SATS registration is now successful. You can log in to the official website with these details.
  11. A Dashboard of various SATS services open on your screen.

Check your SATS ID

If the student wants to check their SATS ID they can do so on official STS portal.

  1. Visit official website of STS Karnataka
  2. In the services mention below, click on Know My SATS ID
  3. You will redirect to a new page
  4. Enter your District, Block, Cluster, School name & Code, Gender.
  5. Click on Search option.
  6. The entries will display on your screen.

How to Generate your Student Forms from STS Portal?

  1. Go to official STS portal i.e
  2. Click on Generate forms and choose the form you want to download.
  3. Click on download or print

click here to go to official STS Student Tracking System Log in on official website.

Click here to directly go to Student Achievement Tracking System (SATS) karnataka

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