Subhadra Yojana Odisha Online Apply, Eligibility Criteria [service plus]

महिलाओं को 50000 रुपये – Subhadra Yojana Odisha Online Apply, Eligibility Criteria [service plus] Official Website Check.

महिलाओं को 50000 रुपये – Subhadra Yojana Odisha Online Apply, Eligibility Criteria [service plus]

With approaching Assembly elections along with Lok Sabha elections in the state of Odisha, BJP government announce Subhadra Yojana for the women of the state. BJP release a 21 promise manifesto which includes 21 Schemes are projects for the welfare of different sections of the state. There are schemes for Farmers, Youth, Employment, Women and Child welfare etc. Now after  success of Mahtari Vandana Yojana in Chhattisgarh, BJP announce similar women welfare scheme for Odisha called Subhadra Yojana (/ Jojana).

The new Subhadra Yojana portal is expected to open soon after the elections in Odisha. Subhadra Yojana is for adult married women upto the age of 59 years. There is a financial aid to women worth Rs 50,000 under Subhadra Yojana. There is no official date of release for the portal yet but the registrations will start soon.

ओडिशा में चुनाव के तुरंत बाद नया सुभद्रा योजना पोर्टल खुलने की उम्मीद है। सुभद्रा योजना 59 वर्ष तक की वयस्क विवाहित महिलाओं के लिए है। सुभद्रा योजना के तहत महिलाओं को 50,000 रुपये की वित्तीय सहायता है। पोर्टल के जारी होने की अभी कोई आधिकारिक तारीख नहीं है लेकिन पंजीकरण जल्द ही शुरू होंगे।


Name Subhadra Yojana Odisha
Body BJP
For Women who are residents of Odisha
Benefits Cash vouchers upto Rs 50,000
Eligibility for Subhadra Yojana Odisha Married women within age of 23-59 years old
Mode of Registration Online, Offline
Status of Subhadra Yojana Odisha Yet to implement
Registrations start date for Subhadra Yojana Odisha Releases soon
Contact 011-23382972
Official website


About Subhadra Yojana Odisha

Subhadra Yojana is a state scheme of Odisha for the women. The objective of the scheme is to empower the women of the state. Under Subhadra Yojana the women will get Rs 50,000 voucher which will last for 2 years. They can use this amount to buy their food necessities, or for other family purposes. Married women of Odisha between the age of 23 to 59 years. Only residents of Odisha are eligible for the scheme. When the official notification release, the women can register themselves online or offline.

Benefits of Subhadra Yojana Odisha

  1. Financial support- Subhadra Yojana Odisha provides Cash vouchers of Rs 50,00 which they can use over a period of 2 years.
  2. Uplifting Social status– With the advantage of money in hand, the women will be able to support their family. Only one woman from a household is eligible to apply for Subhadra Yojana.
  3. Relief to chitfund investors- One of the reasons to introduce this scheme is to reimburse money of the investors who lost their money in Chit Fund businesses.
  4. Economic Growth- When women and their families get money they will increase their spendings which will go back to the economy. It will increase their standard of living and empower their family.

Eligibility for Subhadra Yojana Odisha

  1. Citizenship/Nativity– Women who are citizen of India and a resident of the state are eligible to apply for Subhadra Yojana Odisha 2024. Only permanent residents of Odisha are eligible to apply.
  2. Age– Subhadra Yojana Odisha is for women between the age of 23 to 59 year old.
  3. Marital Status– Only married/widow women are eligible to apply for Subhadra Yojana Odisha.
  4. Economic Status– Women who are housewife are eligible to apply for Subhadra Yojana Odisha. Those women who are government employee are not eligible to apply for Subhadra Yojana Odisha.

Important documents for Subhadra Yojana Odisha

  • Adhaar  Card
  • Address Proof (residence certificate)
  • Passport photo
  • Income certificate
  • Ration Card
  • Bank account copy

How to apply for Subhadra Yojana Odisha?

Women who are eligible for the scheme can apply through both online or offline mode. For offline mode application, they can visit their nearest MO Seva Kendra.

For online application they can visit official portal once its released.

  1. Women can visit official portal and register themselves.
  2. They can upload their documents and other details.
  3. Submit your application and download a copy for future references.
  4. Visit official website of Service plus to check status of your Subhadra Yojana Odisha application.

जो महिलाएं योजना के लिए पात्र हैं वे ऑनलाइन या ऑफलाइन दोनों तरीकों से आवेदन कर सकती हैं। ऑफलाइन मोड में आवेदन के लिए वे अपने नजदीकी सेवा केंद्र पर जा सकते हैं।

ऑनलाइन आवेदन के लिए वे आधिकारिक पोर्टल जारी होने पर उस पर जा सकते हैं।

  1. महिलाएं आधिकारिक पोर्टल पर जाकर अपना पंजीकरण करा सकती हैं।
  2. वे अपने दस्तावेज़ और अन्य विवरण अपलोड कर सकते हैं।
  3. अपना आवेदन जमा करें और भविष्य के संदर्भ के लिए एक प्रति डाउनलोड करें।
  4. अपने सुभद्रा योजना ओडिशा आवेदन की स्थिति की जांच करने के लिए सर्विस प्लस की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं।

click here to go to official website of Women & Child development department of Odisha. Read for further latest notification.

Click here to check status of your Subhadra Yojana Odisha application on Service Plus.

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